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Genealogy Resources for Middlemarch

East of the Rock and Pillar: A new view

This is a compilation of historical material put together by Dawn Coburn. So far, four ringbinders are available in hard copy held at the Middlemarch and Mosgiel libraries, Kissing Gate cafe in Middlemarch, and at the Middlemarch Museum.

A new aspect of this project involves people in researching homes they know about in the broader Strath Taieri district (including Hyde and Macraes), and sharing this information through the compilation.

People and Places Index

An ever growing index of museum books, photographs and archives contains over 40,000 entries. View on the museum computer or enquire at to find out what we hold on your family.

Cemetery records online

Online cemetery search is available to locate burial records of people buried in the Middlemarch and Hindon cemeteries, which are managed by the Dunedin City Council. Directions for cemetery locations can be downloaded here.

For Hyde cemetery, please contact Martin Cameron, phone 03-444 4705 or 027 414 4705.

"The Cemetery Book"

Middlemarch Cemetery Transcript and Other Information of Interest to Future Genealogists has been compiled by Jean Thompson. Copies of the 240 page compilation are available at New Zealand Society of Genealogists; Master Copy New Zealand Society of Genealogists; Middlemarch Museum, Middlemarch; Mosgiel Public Library; Hocken Library; McNab Room, Dunedin Public Library; Otago Settlers Museum, Dunedin; Dunedin City Archives, The Civic Centre, Dunedin; and The Supervisor, Andersons Bay Cemetery, Crematorium Office Dunedni.

The compilation contains the following:

  • The naming and history of Middlemarch
  • Road map
  • Description of Cemetery
  • Cemetery Plan
  • Alphabetical Index
  • Headstones Transcript Presbyterian
  • Headstones Transcript Anglican
  • Headstones Transcript Roman Catholic
  • War Memorial and Local Memorials
  • Early Death Registrations
  • Compilers genealogical knowledge relating to burials
  • Tisdall Family of Middlemarch
  • Atkinson Family of Middlemarch
  • Potter, Thompson & Stewart Families
  • Death Registrations
  • Newspaper cuttings: death notices, obituaries, and items of interest
  • Personal collection from the late Myrtle Pacey
  • Additional death notices and obituary
  • Local Servicemen of World War II with photographs
  • Additional local Memorial Inscriptions: Water Scheme, Rail Trail
  • L G Mitchell's renowned store
  • Early Runs of the Strath Taieri
  • Some local people interred Anderson Bay Cemetery 1911 - 1951
  • Gladys Louisa Carter nee Levenston reminiscing
  • Additional death notices

Strath Taieri's Passing Parade

A cloud-based digital folder of personal profiles relating to individuals and couples who lived in the Strath Taieri district at some time in their lives and are now deceased. Originally intended as a continuation and update of Jean Thompson and Myrtle Pacey's compilation described above, it now includes many additional records from earlier days and is constantly being updated with profiles of those who have died more recently. Can be explored online or viewed at Middlemarch Museum. We welcome suggestions to correct errors, add information, photos or documents to existing profiles, or to generate new profiles of deceased former residents not already included. Please email .

Tisdall family and Avocalea

For genealogical information about the Tisdall family and Avoca lea (the farm of James Thomas Jnr and Margaret Tisdall in the Strath Taieri) as well as the Schluter and Robertson family histories, please contact Karl Schluter, phone (03) 488 2747, email

Pupils' starting date at Strath Taieri School

A list of starting dates for pupils who have attended Strath Taieri School have been recorded alphabetically by surname. Only year is given. No family information. Available for inspection at the Middlemarch Museum or contact Dawn Coburn 03 - 4643696


Other School-related information

Other school-related information is held at the Hocken Library, Dunedin.A search can me made online of the Hakena - Hocken Archives and Manuscripts online. General information for Genealogists and Family Historians held by the Hocken Library is also available.

School health records are held at Archives New Zealand, Dunedin. Guide for education resources held by Archives New Zealand are also available.

Other information of interest to genealogists are available at the Strath Taieri Historical Museum. Inquiries welcome to
