Strath Taieri
A & P Show
Saturday 21st March 2021
The date is quickly approaching!
Set to be an awesome day out
with MANY fantastic trade stalls
and free kids entertainment.
Get started on those home industry
crafts and creations.
Farmers: remember to keep a wool clip
for the wool section
AND please keep a lamb in mind for our
Gift Lamb section.
This category goes a long way to help pay for our Show and support the local community.
Entries are open NOW!
or contact Show Secretary
Michelle Tisdall - strathtaierishow@gmail.com
You can download an entry form here
- Awesome spectator entertainment
- Fabulous new Home Industry sections
- Quality trade stalls
- Free entertainment for the children
- No height certificates required in the horse sections
- Bring your dog along for the 'Mad Dog Dash' and 'Bulls Eye' events run by the Young Farmers Club/ Collie Club at the show and carry on to the Bark Up held at the Strath Taieri Hotel later on that evening!
- Gift lamb entries help with the running of our show and we appreciate all those who donate an entry each year. Kent Tisdall will be in touch!
Strath Taieri A & P Show 2014

Strath Taieri A & P Show 2011
The Middlemarch Singles Ball 2011 was held Easter Saturday, 23 April 2011.