Home Access Restoration Progress Contributors Trustees 'Friends' History Wonders


Interior Restoration (2)


Common Room

2003/4 Summer Programme

Before repair - a 5.7 x 9.7 metre wonder with lots of potential


Repaired wall framing (below right) - one of the few structural repairs required for the hut.
A leaking gutter resulted in two rotten studs.

This is an extremely well designed building. The top plate is wired down the wall and under the stone foundations. The double stud is bolted to a diagonal strut, which is bolted to a roof struss. The roof trusses contain double ceiling joists and rafters, all bolted together. There is diagonal 'sarking' under the exterior cladding, bracing the walls. There are external anchor cables on to the wind-prone north and west walls. Otago Ski Club builders Norman Joel and Ernie Smith knew what they were doing - the reason the hut has survived so long...

Snow entry through the roof onto the ceiling
required many panels to be replaced

Before, and after repair - painting required. Kitchen at rear. Bunkrooms to left

The Rock & Pillar Table Tennis Club in action - the highest ping-pong in New Zealand?


Initial exterior work 2003/4

Kitchen 2003-5

Common Room 2004/5

Roof 2004/5

Walls 2005/6



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Rock and Pillar Hut Trust Inc., R D 1, Omakau 9376, Central Otago, New Zealand